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December 21, 1981 <br />Page 3 <br />is <br />6. Committee Reports (continued) <br />that the Commission has a pact with the neighborhood to <br />try to save the area and he made a motion that the <br />Commission write to the Building Department and ask that <br />the permits not be granted for 601, 605 and 617. Mrs. Spor- <br />leder seconded. A time limit was discussed and April 1 <br />was decided upon. Mrs. Sporleder seconded; motion passed;. <br />Mr. Nimtz abstained. Mr. Don Keim, a member of the neigh- <br />borhood expressed concern over the safety hazards the <br />buildings present. Mr. Oxian made a motion that the <br />Commission, as stated in its ordinance, request of the <br />Building Dept. that 601, 605 and 617 Lincolnway East be <br />properly secured against weather and vandalism. Mr. Hayes <br />seconded, the motion passed. Mr. Nimtz abstained. <br />Mrs. Sporleder suggested that the Commission write to <br />Mr. Panzica and Mr. Freidline thanking them for their <br />cooperation and asking them to withdraw their application <br />for a demolition permit for 601 Lincolnway East, and <br />stating that the Commission will be happy to work with <br />them further on the development of this area. <br />b) Re -zoning on the west side of Lincolnway East <br />Ms. Kiemnec reported that the area had been rezoned <br />• B -residential except for the two gas stations which have <br />remained C -commercial. <br />c) 740 East Bronson <br />Ms. Kiemnec reported that Mr. Farr had been sent a letter <br />by the Building Department and he called in to the Com- <br />mission office. She told him that a Certificate of Appro- <br />priateness was unnecessary after the fact but that before <br />he made any future major structural changes, would he please <br />consult the Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness. <br />He did obtain a Building Permit after the fact and they are <br />taking no further action against him. <br />C. Historic Landmarks <br />1. School Buildings - held off till next meeting <br />d. Legal <br />1. Ordinance Amendment - Ms. Kiemnec reported that it is being <br />reviewed by the Area Plan Commission <br />2. New Lawyer - held off till next meeting <br />e. Public Relations & Community Education <br />1. Report on Architectural Guidebook Study - Mrs. Price reported <br />that John Stamper has withdrawn from the project. Mr. Hayes <br />made a motion that the Commission let. John Stamper know that <br />it does not feel that he acted improperly and that he be en- <br />couraged to publish, to be involved in any book, periodical, or <br />media project or anything that he chooses to do in relationship <br />• to his involvement with the Commission, that the Commission <br />cooperate with him in any way by supplying information from <br />our files and that Ms. Kiemnec be allowed to participate in the <br />project to whatever extent she can. Mr. Wasielewski seconded. <br />Mrs. Price asked that the issue be reviewed by the committee <br />