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December 21, 1981 <br />Paige 5 <br />7. Old Business (continued) <br />person who votes favorably for such a matter may reintroduce <br />it. Mr. Oxian questioned Mr. Nimtz's challenge and Mr. Was- <br />ielewski asked for the -chair to make a decision on whether <br />or not Mrs. Sporleder's motion was out of order. Mrs. Price, <br />the chairperson, ruled that the motion was not out of order. <br />Mr. Wasielewski seconded the motion, it passed, Mr. Nimtz <br />voted no, Mr. Hayes abstained. <br />Mrs. Sporleder made a motion that the National Register nom- <br />ination be sent to the State Historic Preservation Office. <br />She stated that she was aware that this has already been done <br />by other South Bend groups but that she wanted the Commission <br />to go on record as supporting the nomination. Mr. Wasielewski <br />seconded. The nomination she wished the Commission to support <br />was the 1979 application of the building as an extension of the <br />W. Washington Street Historic District which will be heard by <br />the State Review Board in early 1982. Mr. Wasielewski asked <br />Ms. Kiemnec to read the copy of the letter dated December 2, <br />1981 from Mr. Ridenour, the State Historic Preservation Officer <br />to Mr. Dennis Sellen of the Chicago U.M.T.A. office (appendix F). <br />Mrs. Sporleder updated this by saying that Mr. Ridenour was <br />acting because the Review Board had not been appointed. Since <br />that time, however, a Review Board has been designated by the <br />• governor and will have an organizational meeting in January <br />at which time it will decide on an official first meeting date. <br />The Oddfellows Building will be on the agenda of the first meet- <br />ing. Mr. Wasielewski stated that the Review Board has never <br />ruled on the Commission's application for National Register <br />status. The motion passed, Mr. Nimtz voted no, Mr. Hayes abstained. <br />Mr. Wasielewski made a motion that the Commission ask Mr. Crumlich <br />or Mr. Sporleder to accompany us to the Review Board meeting when <br />the Oddfellows Building comes up. He added that if it is possible, <br />the Commission pay for their transportation. Mr. Oxian seconded; <br />the motion passed, Mr. Nimtz, Mr. Hayes and Mrs. Sporleder abstained. <br />Mrs. Sporleder made a motion that the Commission request that the <br />Advisory Council make a determination of eligibility on the Odd - <br />fellows Building. The motion died for lack of a second. <br />C. State Theatre <br />Mr. Oxian stated that he will be meeting with the owners of the <br />State Theatre on its proposed landmark designation. <br />8. New Business - no report <br />9. Hearing of Visitors <br />Mr. Tom Brademas from the 100 Center in Mishawaka <br />He read a letter from a Mrs. Depoy who supports the preservation of <br />the Oddfellows Building. He expressed concern over the demolition of <br />the structure and asked that the Historic Preservation Commission go on <br />record as asking for a public hearing whenever an issue such as this arises. <br />Mr. Brademas indicated further that the Mayor had stated that the best <br />