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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - May 19, 1995 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />n. continued... <br />district of Thmpa, Florida. The infill <br />consisted of a two -story facade over a one- <br />story building with cafe tables on the upper <br />level. <br />The goal of this project is three fold: to <br />enhance the Hall of Fame's potential in <br />downtown, to create retail space that was <br />recommended in the 1991 Retail Study, to <br />generate income for CCA to make it as <br />financially sound as possible over the short <br />and long term. <br />The timetable calls for beginning <br />construction by August 28, 1995, <br />completeing construction no later than <br />►' March 31, 1996, and as soon as possible <br />begin any individual parts of the project that <br />can be completed by August 18, 1995. <br />14 <br />The proposal requests that the City provide <br />the following: any required site surveys, <br />access easement for construction and <br />maintenance, air easement over Osco to <br />construct a deck, but not impede mechanical <br />or maintenance access to their building, <br />allow supports on the roof of Osco to <br />support an open -air deck, extend the height <br />of Osco's facade to 34'6" with windowless <br />openings for the purpose of restaurant <br />seating. Upon expiration of Osco's lease, <br />remove the word "Liquor" from their <br />facade, provide any required asbestos <br />abatement, enhance DeRue Court to present <br />a friendlier appearance to the Hall of Fame <br />visitor and still serve delivery purposes, <br />-19- <br />