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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 3, 1993 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. continued... <br />Broadway. New traffic patterns would be <br />established to eliminate the of unloading <br />materials on Broadway. In addition, new <br />fencing would be installed to shield the <br />majority of materials from view. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the bid amount is a <br />combination land swap and cash settlement <br />which will have to be studied to determine if <br />it, in fact, meets the minimum offering <br />price. <br />Mr. Sharp stated that he is pleased to see <br />this proposal to improve Old Fort's property <br />and to screen their merchandise. He asked <br />that the staff take steps to make sure they <br />follow the Commission's guidelines as they <br />make their improvements. Mrs. Kolata <br />responded that each of the projects must be <br />approved by the Design Review Committee <br />and must construct their improvements as <br />promised in order to receive their Certificate <br />of Completion. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded <br />by Mr. Sharp and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission accepted the proposal from <br />American Medical Oxygen Corp. for Parcels <br />A -3 and A -4 in the Sample -Ewing <br />Development Area subject to staff review of <br />the project. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Sharp, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission received the bid from Old Fort <br />Building Supply and referred it to staff for <br />review and a report at the next Commission <br />meeting. <br />-7- <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL <br />FROM AMERICAN MEDICAL OXYGEN CORP. <br />FOR PARCELS A -3 AND A -4 IN THE SAMPLE - <br />EWING DEVELOPMENT AREA SUBJECT TO <br />STAFF REVIEW OF THE PROJECT <br />COMMISSION RECEIVED THE BID FROM <br />OLD FORT BUILDING SUPPLY AND <br />REFERRED IT TO STAFF FOR REVIEW AND <br />A REPORT AT THE NEXT COMMISSION <br />MEETING <br />