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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - February 14, 1992 <br />6. NEW BUStURSS (Cont.) <br />e. continuea... <br />ove -night accommodations in the days <br />be f re motels and national - franchise <br />hot is located along business strips. <br />Architecturally, the hotel is one of the <br />cit 's last 1920s commercial structures <br />decorated on the exterior with <br />Neo-classical motifs - -terra cotta <br />moldings, a decorative cornice, and a <br />metal and colored -glass marquee on Tutt <br />Street. The building's loss - -and <br />replacement with a parking lot- -will do <br />little to enhance the built - environment <br />of the Studebaker Corridor or to attract <br />wou d -be buyers to the area. <br />The HPC asks that consideration be given <br />by the city to retain this building as <br />the last example of its type in this part <br />of own -- development of this corridor <br />does not have to be at the expense of <br />ret ining one small example of the area's <br />historic fabric. <br />Mr. Don Olson, Architect, The Troyer <br />Gro p, explained that The Troyer Group <br />per ormed a master plan assessment for <br />HopB Rescue Mission to look at the <br />mission's needs and problems at their <br />present site. They also did some initial <br />stu y on the Southern Hotel as a possible <br />rel cation site for the mission. His <br />initial assessment was that: 1) it is a <br />str cturally sound building that needs <br />cosmetic upgrading (it is a concrete <br />col mn and slab structure that will <br />pro ably last another 50 to 100 years). <br />2) the functions that existed previously <br />in this building are similar to this <br />ada tive reuse: individual sleeping rooms <br />with toilet rooms and gathering spaces. <br />Ms. Karen Kiemnec, Historic Landmarks <br />Foundation, indicated that Historic <br />Landmarks supports Hope Rescue Mission, <br />Sou hhold Restoration, and the Historic <br />Preservation Commission in their efforts <br />-7- <br />