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South Bend <br />Special Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />b. con <br />elopment Commission <br />- November 12, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />inued... <br />pro Posing to build a new office at that <br />loc tion. However, Mr. Murdock has <br />pur hased another office building apart <br />from this site and this property would <br />primarily be used as a storage yard. Our <br />con ern is that the amount of space taken <br />for a storage yard is not in the best <br />interest of the Studebaker Plan. That is <br />why acquisition is being proposed. <br />Ms.lAuburn opened the public hearing. <br />MR. MURDOCK: Thank you very much. Again, <br />to address the technicality of whether or <br />not my remonstrance officially appeared <br />at exactly 10:00 or not, I don't think it <br />is terribly material at this time. I <br />would like to reiterate that we have been <br />in constant communication with <br />Redevelopment in regards to our <br />continuing plans to develop this property <br />for an expansion of our existing <br />business. We're a little shop that <br />initially had a terrible need to expand <br />our corporate office facilities that we <br />had originally planned this site for. <br />Unfortunately, the timing of the bond <br />issue, the ultimate issuance of some <br />contracts to demolish the existing <br />strILCtures, kind of put us in a little <br />bit of a timing problem. In the interim <br />period we were able to acquire another <br />small property that's up at the foot of <br />Jefferson Boulevard, at 131 S. Taylor <br />Street, which addresses our immediate <br />co orate office needs. Additionally, we <br />have always intended to expand our <br />warehousing facilities, to expand our <br />vehicle maintenance facilities. We have <br />a 1-2,000 sq. ft. building that's <br />physically sitting on the site down there <br />right now. We just got the first <br />building that was key to that <br />construction piece demolished, I think, <br />30 days ago. We would certainly want to <br />appeal to Redevelopment and the <br />Cornniission to assist us in the <br />-7- <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION <br />NO. 1024 <br />