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South Bend <br />Special Mee <br />elopment Commission <br />- November 12, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. continued... <br />property that Mr. Murdock will then bid <br />on. Because he probably cannot do the <br />development, if you can see the yellow <br />pattern that's up there on the map, it is <br />assi=ing that we will be selling <br />add tional land and that he will be <br />bidding on additional land. <br />MR.�MURDOCK: We still assume that we are <br />goi g to have that opportunity. <br />MRS KOLATA: But it does affect how we <br />par el out the block and how we determine <br />wha is appropriate for storage yards. <br />MS. AUBURN: I would suggest, with the <br />questions that have been raised by <br />Commissioner Donoho, that we might want <br />to table this for further discussion and <br />exp ore the ramifications a little bit <br />further, and, if necessary, bring it back <br />for action at a further meeting. I don't <br />want any Commissioner to have to act on a <br />resolution until all of the issues have <br />been explored and we feel comfortable <br />witi the decision. <br />MR. PIASECKI: I think it would be even <br />better for us to all take a look at it. <br />MS. AUBURN: I've driven by it several <br />times. It's not going to win a beauty <br />contest. <br />MR. PIASECKI: I still think we can <br />vis alize it better, it that's possible. <br />MS. AUBURN: I would say that if some of <br />the Commissioners haven't been by there <br />more recently, they might want to drive <br />through and take a look at it. If none <br />of the Commissioners object to tabling <br />thi for some further discussion, I would <br />rec mmend that that's the appropriate <br />act <br />-12- <br />