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South Bend <br />Special Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />b. con <br />C. <br />II <br />elopment Commission <br />- November 12, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />MRS KOLATA: Are you going to close the <br />pub is hearing, and then just table <br />act on on the resolution? <br />MS. AUBURN: Are there any other comments PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION <br />fro the public? Hearing none, I will NO. 1024 IS CLOSED <br />clo a the public hearing for whatever <br />act on the Commission desires to take. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Doncho, seconded by COMMISSION TABLED RESOLUTION <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the NO. 1024 <br />Commission tabled Resolution No. 1024. <br />Mrs Kolata indicated that the staff <br />wou d meet with Mr. Murdock regarding his <br />pla s for the property before bringing <br />thig resolution back to the Commission. <br />Mr. Murdock noted that the Commission has <br />not made available the additional <br />property in his block that he needs in <br />order to proceed with his improvements. <br />Mrs Kolata responded that the Commission <br />is mot in control of all of those <br />properties yet. Resolution No. 1027 <br />authorizes purchase offers for some of <br />those properties. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that these parcels <br />are on Hill Street, north of Washington <br />Street and were previously sold to Karl <br />and Patricia Schramm. For a number of <br />reasons it is anticipated that the <br />pro erty will be transferred to 1st <br />Sou ce Bank. 1st Source Bank has asked <br />tha the Commission authorize execution <br />of i Quit Claim Deed, quit claiming any <br />int.-rest it has in the property. <br />-13- <br />