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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Special Mee ing - November 12, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. continued... <br />measurable. The Commission's needs are <br />somewhat speculative. At this point you <br />don't have anybody sitting down there <br />saying, "Gee, give me this three acre <br />site because I'm going to do something. <br />We' a currently doing something. I would <br />thi k that my needs ought to have a <br />higher precedent than the wish list. <br />That's my concern. <br />MR. DONOHO: Well, my concern is this <br />came before us and was on an acquisition <br />list some time ago. <br />MRS KOLATA: A year ago. <br />MR. DONOHO: We reversed that list and <br />stated the reason for it was so that <br />these business would stay viable and stay <br />down there. There was a whole list. Not <br />just these. There were others. It's <br />confusing to me. Now we're reversing <br />that decision again. I don't want him on <br />the acquisition list. And then say we're <br />going to purchase or not purchase, <br />because that puts that property in a <br />position where he sits in a holding <br />pattern, because it could be acquired and <br />it couldn't be acquired. I'm against <br />it. I stand with my last decision. <br />MRS KOLATA: When Mr. Murdock came <br />bef re us a year ago, there was an office <br />bui ding proposed as well. That was the <br />bas :s for his receiving the tax abatement <br />thal the City Council received. And, I <br />thi k you even did go to Design Review, <br />di 't you? <br />MR ZRDOCK: I don't think you had a <br />Des gn Review Committee meeting. <br />MRS KOLATA: OK. But we had certainly <br />seen plans for the office building and it <br />was a different project. Plus, it is not <br />simply not buying Mr. Murdock's <br />property. It is offering for sale <br />-11- <br />