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South Bend m <br />evelagnent Co ission <br />Regular ing - August 9, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUSD ESS (Copt.) <br />k. continued... <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Doncho, seconded. by CC E4ATBSION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL <br />Mr. Faccenda and unanimously carried, the OF $15,780 FRCS! NORMAN 13UCKMAN AS <br />CcrnTmssim accepted the proposal of CONTRACTOR FOR THE RENTAL REHAB <br />No#ran Bucknan as contractor for the LOAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1014 <br />amc*mt of $15,780.00. N. EDDY S'TRE'ET <br />1. <br />a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded CUMSSION APPROVED THE RENTAL <br />by . Doncho and unanimously carried, REM LOAN IN THE AMOUNT' OF <br />the Carmission approved the Rental Rehab $8,500 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />Loaa in the amount of $8,500 for property 1226 E. CEDAR ST. <br />lomted at 1226 E. Cedar. <br />Mr. Piasecki stated that $21,345.00 was <br />more than the private sector puts into a <br />project like this. Mr. Leverman <br />explained that the Rental Rehab loans are <br />limited to $8,500.00. <br />a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Faccenda and unanimously carried, the <br />Cannission accepted the proposal of <br />No ern Oak Hares, contractor, in the <br />arnozit of $29,845.00 in connection with a <br />Ren Rehab Loan for property located at <br />122 E. Cedar. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the loan <br />applicant is the Housing Develcgrent <br />Co ration, the house is at 1721 <br />Prairie, the loan amount is $21,000.00, <br />the interest rate would be 3.25% for 20 <br />years with monthly payments of $119.22. <br />Mrs. Kolata introduced Mary Richmond from <br />the Housing Developrent Corporation to <br />answer any questions. Mrs. Kolata stated <br />tha normally these loans don't have to <br />cam through the Ccnmission, but because <br />itwas the Housing Development <br />Corporation, they felt it would be <br />app riate to bring it before the public <br />-12- <br />cavmssION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL <br />OF O ICI- OAK HOMES, CIONTRACIOR <br />IN THE AMO= OF <br />CCMEMON WITH A RENTAL REHAB <br />LOW FOR PROPERTY LOCNTED AT 1226 <br />E. CEDAR <br />