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South Bend edevelopment Cmudssion <br />Regular Nlee ing - August 9, 1991 <br />6. NEW BUSbMS (Cont.) <br />7. <br />RM <br />a <br />1. continued... <br />of the Commission. Mr. Piasecki <br />d M. Richmond what will happen to <br />house after it is renovated. M. <br />mond answered that it would be <br />ed. Mrs. Kolata camaezted that this <br />e has delinquent taxes which will be <br />ght up to date. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Faccenda and unan mously carried, the <br />Comnission approved the request for a <br />$21,000 Section 312 loan in accordance <br />wita the recomiendation from the Bureau <br />of Jlousincf. <br />There wore no progress reports. <br />The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment <br />Comtiss'on is scheduled for August 23, 1991 <br />at 10: 00 a.m. <br />There baing no further business to cone <br />before the Redevelogrelt Ccnmission, Mr. <br />Faccendi. made a motion that the meeting be <br />adjourned. Mr. Doncho seconded the motion <br />and the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m. <br />Paula Ii. Auburn, President <br />-13- <br />CMUSSION APPROVED THE REQUEST <br />FOR A SECTION 312 IRAN IN <br />ACCORDANCE W1TH THE <br />RECOMMATION OF THE BUREAU OF <br />HOUSING. <br />NEXT COMVUSSION MEEEIT G <br />E. Kolata, Director <br />