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South Bend ] <br />Regular Meet <br />M <br />J• <br />k. <br />elopment Caraission <br />- August 9, 1991 <br />(Cont.) <br />s that show up, but are not of a <br />tude that is a real problem. M. <br />r stated she thought the underground <br />had been out of use for ten years. <br />Upai <br />a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded <br />COMISSION AM= TO THE TERNS OF <br />by <br />Mr. Doncho and unanimously carried, <br />PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FROM <br />the <br />Commission agreed to the terms of <br />SLUTSKY -PELTZ PLUMBING AMID <br />pu-nJiase <br />of property from Slutsky -Feltz <br />HEATING COMPANY IN THE WEST <br />Plurbing <br />and Heating Company in the West <br />'WASHINGTON- CHAPIN DEVELOPMENT <br />Washington- Chapin Development Area. <br />& Deborah Norman Buckman $15,780.00 <br />N. Eddy St. <br />Borders Northern Oak Hares $29,845 <br />E. Cedar St. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that there were two <br />Ren al Rehab Program loans. The first is <br />at 014 North Eddy Street, which is a <br />- bedroan house. The loan would be <br />in a amount of $7,890. The second is <br />for a house at 1226 East Cedar Street. <br />It is also a three- bedroan house, and the <br />loah would be for $8,500.00. The deed to <br />the property at 1014 North Eddy Street, <br />is signed by Jon Hunt, as the president <br />of Neighborhood Housing Services, who was <br />the seller of the property. Mrs. Kolata <br />di 't think there was any conflict of <br />interest, but wanted to bring this to the <br />Corrinission, attention. <br />$ 7,890.00 (Public) <br />$ 7,890.00 (Private) <br />$ 8,500.00 (Public) <br />$21,345.00 (Private) <br />a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by MMESSION APPROVED THE REN'T'AL <br />Mr. Faccenda and unaninrxusly carried, the REHAB LOAN IN THE AM= OF <br />Comnission approved the Rental Rehab Loan $7,890 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />in amount of $7,890 for property 1014 N. EDDY ST. <br />located at 1014 N. Eddy. <br />-11- <br />