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South Bend evelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 9, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. cominuea... <br />Ms. Kolata stated that we are proposing <br />to jo forward with the financing and the <br />staff is reccm wKiing in the next action <br />afb x this one to amend the plan that <br />would allow acquisition of your property. <br />We don't know who will buy the property <br />or how it will be configured when we try <br />to dispose of it. <br />Mr. I Bradford asked the Commission who <br />f the Airport contacted them. <br />Ms. Kolata said that no developer <br />contacted her directly. She thought the <br />first contact was John Schalliol. Mr. <br />Hunt was contacted and he and Mr. <br />SchEdliol. discussed it together. <br />Mr. Bradford stated that they have 30 <br />days to remonstrate against and they may <br />not even have their appraisals in 30 <br />days. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that the remonstrance <br />is not against the purchase offer it's <br />against the lease purchase financing. <br />Mr. Bradford stated that he wants things <br />slaied dawn a bit so that they can <br />pro themselves. How can we protect <br />ourselves if you go ahead with this <br />portion of it. I've never officially <br />been notified that you want the place <br />other than a letter the other day. We <br />aren't on the list to be purchased. <br />Ms. Kolata stated that we are going out <br />of our way to do things that aren't <br />regaired by law. We have no legal <br />obligation to notify you of this meeting <br />but we called you because you asked to be <br />notified. I told you and called you that <br />we a doing this and its for today. The <br />real official action that the Commission <br />in to buy your property is when they <br />sit here at a meeting several months from <br />now and authorize sending you a purchase <br />-22- <br />