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South Bend evelopnent Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - November 9, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSMESS (Cont.) <br />e. continues... <br />I 't give that house up until I know <br />I'1 get total replacement. The <br />appraisals don't mean a thing if you lose <br />on the deal. <br />Ms. Auburn stated to Mr. Penn that <br />sibiations like this are always difficult <br />and we think we understand your feelings <br />and frustration and your anger. We have <br />other action that we need to move on <br />to order to keep the timetable going <br />and in order to keep the procedural parts <br />going so that we can get the appraisals. <br />Mr. Pendl stated that you are going to <br />want us out in the spring or soon after, <br />there's no possible way. <br />Ms. Auburn stated that we might be able <br />to negotiate that, depending on the <br />outqmve. From a city perspective and <br />from a develop wntal perspective, when <br />you begin to take a look at where a city <br />can begin to develop some business and an <br />ind�strial tax base, it puts us on a <br />collision course. <br />Mr. <br />are <br />do, <br />Ms. <br />way <br />Pendl stated that it's the way you <br />doing it, it's not what you want to <br />its the way you are doing it. <br />Kolata stated that this is the only <br />we have. <br />Ms. Auburn stated that we focused in on <br />one particular aspect. It isn't for a <br />given developer when we go in and develop <br />and assemble property, it's to stimulate <br />additional business and industry <br />dev lopment as you find around most <br />airlcrts in most communities. The golf <br />is only one component of it. <br />Mrs <br />Pendl stated that from what she has <br />all of the outlook for hotels is <br />y shabby right now, and why take our <br />-19- <br />