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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />elcpment Commission <br />- November 9, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSVESS (Cont.) <br />e. conttinuea... <br />Ms. Kolata stated that I hope you don't <br />go into the hole, and we'll do everything <br />we to prevent it, but you're not <br />telling me what price you want either. I <br />don t have any price to offer you yet. I <br />can t give you a guarantee that we'll be <br />abl to offer you what you want so it <br />won 1t. cost you anything. <br />Ms. Kolata told Mr. Pendl that until he <br />kna7s what he wants and can put together <br />an idea of what it will take to duplicate <br />what he has now, and until I know what we <br />are going to offer you and I don't know <br />if e're close or far apart and neither <br />d the Mayor. <br />Mr. Pendl stated that the city is coming <br />thn)ugh his property whether I like it or <br />not and that's not the American way. And <br />them is not using eminent domain for <br />whatever it was intended for. <br />Mr. Pendl stated that you people looked <br />at that house, I have horses and they <br />want to start this in May or June. I'm <br />going to have to build a house. We've <br />looked all over for some place. I want <br />to have my home, and I want it built. We <br />can It afford to lose on this deal. <br />Ms. I Kolata asked Mr. Pendl if he bad <br />recoived estimates for rebuilding his <br />Mr. Pendl said that he has some coming. <br />Ms. Kolata stated that that will give us <br />sano points for discussion. <br />Mr. Pendl asked if the Commission could <br />table this decision for awhile, and come <br />out and see what they're involved with <br />and see what they're taking from the <br />people. If it's so great for South Bend <br />you ve got two families against the city <br />of Guth Bend. We don't have a chance. <br />-18 <br />