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South Bend evelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 9, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. continuea... <br />something else. They come to the city, <br />and the city can go and take this <br />grotrid. You never owned your ground to <br />tha extent. If you owned the ground I <br />would think someone would say would you <br />sell it to me. And you could say yes <br />itfs for the betterment of the city, or <br />the betterment of the area. The a mer <br />WOLL d quote the price. The way things <br />are going we don't awn our ground. We <br />were told "the appraisers are coming in <br />and they'll give you a price and you <br />could counter." If you're taken off the <br />gratuid you've developed, I hope none of <br />you have to go through this. <br />Ms. Kolata stated that we have had <br />several conversations with Mr. & Mrs. <br />PerxLl and we are aware of their concerns. <br />Mr. Pendl stated that he wants to tell <br />all of you something, and he hopes that <br />you are all fair with all of us. This is <br />not right the way you are taking our <br />ground. This is for private enterprise, <br />thi is a private golf curse. You can <br />go c ut to St. Patrick's Park, you can go <br />to z ny park and anyone who takes care of <br />the.e e grounds is paid for by city funds. <br />The.c e people that work at this golf <br />co are going to be paid by private <br />victuals. These private individuals <br />are going to put money in their pocket. <br />We c rot a certified letter, and if I had <br />kn what it was I would have never <br />sigred for it, from the appraiser that <br />the are going to appraise our ground. <br />We I ave never been told the city even <br />wanted our grounds. <br />Ms. <br />the <br />the <br />:olata stated that that is <br />Teat. We were slow in sending you a <br />.r, but you were aware that we were <br />-ested in your property. I talked to <br />wife, I talked to you, and it was in <br />gaper that the Cottmiission had hired <br />ppraisers. I apologize that I was <br />-16- <br />