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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 9, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSVESS (Cont.) <br />e. conunuea... <br />f purposes and have looked at ways <br />to evelop it. She believes they have, <br />ov a period of years, solicited certain <br />of proposals. <br />This is really a long term project. The <br />Aiiq)ort Authority came to us and <br />mentioned that they were working with <br />someone interested in doing a project in <br />the area and we started getting involved <br />in the planning in the area. Our <br />plarmirxj area is about 3700 acres. It is <br />larcrer than the land that is currently in <br />the city and it involves a master plan <br />which is nearing completion. We hired <br />Cole Associates to put the master plan <br />tog Ether but it involves a number of <br />One is the airport development <br />av the next 20 years. It also provides <br />for industrial park development, business <br />development and some form of <br />off ce park development within the city <br />tha is of a suburban nature. It also <br />p ides for the development of a golf <br />that is one small component of the <br />pro ect as a whole. The planning that we <br />are doing is for the entire area over a <br />lorq period of time. There is really no <br />one instigator of a project. It's more <br />Of EL long range look at what is going to <br />be lappening in that area. Since we <br />declared this an economic development <br />ared we have had meetings with five or <br />six developers, not all for identical <br />locztions. We are looking at the <br />pr4t ect area as a whole. How will we <br />p ide the public improvements and allow <br />the land to open up to the traffic that <br />can then connect into the toll road and <br />pr ide room for industrial and business <br />Mrs. Pencil stated that the laws are not <br />to Frotect anybody. No one owns their <br />land to the extent that a private <br />individual will come and say I like this <br />grotW, I can see it being developed into <br />-15- <br />