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South Bend edevelcpment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - November 9, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cant.) <br />b. continued... <br />Ms. Kolata stated that the only case in <br />which that fire escape could be left as <br />it 4 <br />is, is if it was used as one entire <br />thutter. If it is divided into two <br />theaters, as is the plan, it would <br />reqoxe an interior stairway. <br />Ms. Kolata proceeded to open the <br />pro s. Erecto Ines. proposal was in <br />the amount of $3,400. Murdock & Sons' <br />p was in the amount of $2,880.00. <br />- Spraker's proposal was in the <br />amount of $8,320.00. <br />Ms. Kolata reconTended awarding to <br />Munlock & Sons with the understanding <br />that it will include sealing of the <br />doc4s, patching of the holes, and removal <br />of 1 materials. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho seconded CESSION APPROVED THE AWARDING <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the OF THE CONTRACT TO MURDOCK & SONS <br />Camiission approved the award to Murdock CONTINGENT UPON SATISFACTION THAT <br />& Sons contingent upon satisfaction that HIS BID INCLUDE SEALING THE DOORS, <br />his bid include sealing the doors, PATCHING THE HOLES, AND REMOVING <br />patctiing the holes, and removing all ALL M?kTERIAL <br />matExial. <br />Ms. Auburn notedd that at this point <br />Commissioner Combs had to leave the <br />meeting but the Ccgmnission still had a <br />Mr. Otto Szucs began talking at this <br />po' t about his property in the <br />Stue ebaker Corridor. <br />Ms. Kolata explained to Mr. Szucs that <br />the Commission will later send him a <br />purchase offer that will tell him how <br />mu they will offer for his property. <br />When hi receives that purchase offer you <br />he d call our office and come in to <br />disduss it. <br />-11- <br />