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South Bend evelcpment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - October 26, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSTCMSS (Cont.) <br />a. conuinuea... <br />o to without our yard, our inventory <br />and our storage area. You would have an <br />economic adverse affect, devastating <br />financial affects to the company. <br />We Employ approximately 230 people, many <br />of those would have to be laid off if <br />this was done. We have a payroll of <br />abo t $125,000 a week which would be <br />materially affected. I suppose you could <br />take the entire block and move us and <br />give, us a block of land in an industrial <br />park and build a similar building for us, <br />and give us a yard for the equipment. But <br />you're not doing that. You're taking <br />half' of my operation and leaving me with <br />the remaining half which is completely <br />unfeasible. I think it's an unreasonable <br />request. I think those portions of the <br />landthat you are proposing to take <br />shoild be exempted and taken out of this <br />red velopment amendment plan. We have <br />ked, and continue to do so, on a <br />proc ram to do what we think promotes the <br />best, interest in the city and <br />neicibborhood. and we continue to upgrade <br />it. You should not do that or propose to <br />do that because it is not only to the <br />detaiment of my client but at the expense <br />of the citizens of South Bend and the <br />tzoZeyers- Why should the taxpayers do <br />and pay for what we are willing to do <br />and are doing ourselves. So at this <br />t think that you should amend the <br />plan. I'm making a request that the <br />pro ies that are involved with Mr. <br />Ziolkowski and Ziolkowski Construction <br />Co. be removed from the amended <br />Ms. uburn asked if there was anyone else <br />tho would like to speak. <br />-16- <br />