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South Bend evelcpment Cmimission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSSS (Cont.) <br />a. continues... <br />wan a downtown location and under those <br />cir=stances we would like them to have <br />a location that they can find acceptable <br />witiin the city limits of South Bend. <br />is an ideal location because of the <br />trwisportat system already in place, <br />ber-Ause of the airport and because of the <br />larxi quality. <br />Mr. Pendl: The Airport bought ply <br />a the road froan me 10 or 12 years <br />ago They moved the house. That ground is <br />still there. The house is boarded up on <br />it cuid nothing has been done on it. <br />Mrs Kolata: The airport is involved in <br />the planning for the entire project area. <br />(She pointed to a map showing the one <br />ami that is designed to be corporate <br />harxjers.) The airport plans on building <br />corporate hangers and then having the <br />office sites built around the roads that <br />d be down in this area and built <br />h , and cmpanies could have both the <br />off ce building and the corporate hanger <br />for their airplanes at the same location. <br />So, to some extent they are involved in <br />the planning. <br />Mr. Pendl: TAiy is the Commission so <br />de to take the land that we've <br />got that's our personal investment. Why <br />not have these developers and us work <br />togoyther and develop that ground. <br />Mrs Kolata: We certainly can talk about <br />Mr. Pendl: What you are trying to do is <br />t, if you weren't hurting these <br />le by the way you are doing it. <br />Mrs Kolata: Our preference is always to <br />let the private sector do what the <br />priirate sector can do. Our involvement <br />begins when that is not happening. If <br />you are saying you want to develop it in <br />