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South Bend evelopnent Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUS (Cont.) <br />a. conipinuea... <br />a rdanc:e with the master plan and ideas <br />tha we have, we are certainly willing to <br />about that. one concern would be <br />over the multiple land owners. How do <br />you combine it, how do you make it work. <br />We'M not adverse to talking with you <br />abot it that. <br />Mr. Pendl: I don't want to speak for <br />anyone else but I'm sure all that are <br />involved in this property know that <br />YOU" re going to take it by eminent daaain <br />so they have no choice as far as whether <br />they give it up or they don't. But they <br />shoald have a choice about how you <br />devcdcp it and get their fair amount. <br />Mrs Kolata: The Commission is prepared <br />to pay a fair amount for the property. I <br />knmT you've had agencies take portions of <br />y property before and all I can tell <br />you is that we hire qualified appraisers. <br />We o not tell them what to come back <br />witl i as a number and they go out and they <br />are totally independent from us. <br />Mr. Pendl: I called one of the top <br />appraisers of South Bend and he said he <br />kriew nothing about this. <br />Mrs Kolata: We haven't hired anyone for <br />this yet. This is still in the proposal <br />stac e. This is not definite and we <br />haven't hired any appraisers. If we <br />dec de that we are moving forward, I <br />we will be hiring appraisers fairly <br />soon. But first we'll have to decide <br />whether we are only going to buy <br />right-of-way for the road or whether we <br />are we going to buy all of these <br />prc4erties. We need to be able to tell <br />our appraisers what we want them to <br />appiuise and we haven't made that <br />decision yet. <br />Mr. Pendl: Would you agree to consider <br />taking us in as partners instead of <br />buvim us out. <br />-10- <br />