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South Bend edevelcpment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSDNFSS (Cont.) <br />a. continuea... <br />project areas is different in that we <br />hav dealt with more urban settings as <br />o to rural settings. There's no <br />qu tion that those of you living out <br />th have more land and it's a different <br />of situation than a lot of the <br />pro ect areas we have been dealing with. <br />So i a have less experience in looking for <br />and helping you relocate to more rural <br />of locations. <br />In terms of acquisition, I'd like to <br />poi lit out that we hire qualified <br />appraisers, we review their appraisals <br />and are willing to negotiate with any <br />p owner who has appraisals of <br />the property. Sometimes we don't agree <br />on i i purchase price and we let the courts <br />dec de on what that value might be. I <br />thmik we will try to be open and honest <br />as ire go into this project. <br />Mr. I Pendl: Why can't the Commission <br />dev lop the ground it has already <br />Mrs Kolata: We are working to do that <br />and there is no question that we have <br />oth land available. We are currently <br />worlang in the Studebaker Corridor. We <br />a maxinum of about 30 acres of <br />land for industrial development, most of <br />it 1 or 2 acre parcels. The Studebaker <br />Co n -idor does not appear to be a location <br />for the type of business office caupus <br />that we are trying to develop out there. <br />The whole concept behind the airport <br />pro eat is that it's a longer range <br />pro ect, that it allows for various kinds <br />of c levelcpment to take place. A lot of <br />it s for licit industrial and some of it <br />is for office development. We would like <br />to see more offices downtown because we <br />still think it is the center of the <br />coutty and the center of the office <br />con�unity, but there are some businesses <br />tha# we work with that absolutely don't <br />-8- <br />