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South Bend evelopnent Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSS (Cont.) <br />a. continuea... <br />le to make big money on. You're not <br />goiig to do it. I came in here trying to <br />myself quiet, but I cannot do it, <br />bec use you guys are doing the wrong <br />I'm being taken advantage of. <br />You haven't even told me that you want my <br />property. I want South Bend to grow, but <br />I t it to be done in an honest way. <br />You're not taking it. <br />Mrs Kolata: Thank you for your cmmients <br />and we appreciate them. I met with Mrs. <br />PerxLl yesterday and I think we awe all of <br />the property owners an apology that we <br />di 't meet with them before our meeting <br />on August 31st. However, none of this <br />is efinite. This project is not a done <br />d and it is not a definite decision <br />tha we are going to buy this property. <br />I atpreciate your. cxm worts. <br />You asked about our experience. Our <br />expBrience is in two areas, one is the <br />acqnsition and the other is relocation. <br />We have had a lot of experience in <br />different project areas doing relocation <br />of le. We try to treat everyone <br />fa' ly. We know we don't always agree on <br />the acquisition price but try to handle <br />it Ln a non adversarial way. We try to <br />treit people as sensitively as possible, <br />knadmg that they are in a difficult <br />si tion. I think we do an excellent job <br />of that. However, that doesn't lessen <br />the impact on someone who is being asked <br />to move. But we will always treat people <br />fa' ly, honestly, and give them what they <br />are entitled to and do the best we can <br />for them. <br />I 't tell you today if we are <br />def Lnitely going to buy your property. I <br />minimally, we are interested and <br />are planning on buying property for the <br />ri t-of -way. Our experience in a lot of <br />-7- <br />