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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUS (Cont.) <br />a. continued .. <br />Ms. Auburn: Opened the discussion to the <br />Mr. <br />m <br />UP <br />pla <br />it, <br />con <br />crm <br />I t <br />on. <br />CCU <br />har. <br />cou <br />IN <br />YOU <br />C`_W <br />me <br />Pendl: How much experience does the <br />;nission have in acquiring property? <br />Commission expects the property owner <br />Give up their potential rights as <br />Blcpers and hand the property over to <br />City. You are planning to create <br />asands of jobs, millions of tax <br />enue. That's even more reason that <br />se people should have their proper <br />ant of money. (Mr. Pendl asked to go <br />to the map.) I have lived at this <br />m for 25 years. Right after I bought <br />after I was told I could zone it <br />nercial, the County denied me <br />nercial zoning. I have ten acres that <br />nought I would put into homes later <br />George Cunningham, was the Building <br />nissioner at that time. He said to <br />T onto that ground and sometime I <br />Ld develop it into commercial use. <br />a paid city taxes, you people took me <br />the city, I went from $600 a year <br />s up to nearly $2,000 a year. I have <br />iing for it. No city water, no city <br />ige, no pick up of trash. But we <br />i't complain about it because we are <br />)y where we are at. Now, you have <br />)le to cote in and to develop this <br />u)d. I own this ground and you don't <br />s to look for a developer. You can <br />a to me and I'll be part of this with <br />and I'm sure the neighbors would be <br />gable because it is prime ground for <br />dopment. But, I am a developer; you <br />'t have to take my property, my <br />its, away from me and set it up for <br />Obody else. I'll give my life up <br />>re I let you come in here, bulldoze <br />)ut and set up a place for other <br />