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South Bend evelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUSS (Cont.) <br />a. conninuea... <br />Riclard Sheehan: I live on Mayflower <br />Road - north of the airport. I'm <br />Presc ident of the German Township <br />Neichborhood Association. Over the last <br />y or so we've invited a number of <br />pec4de to our meetings, including <br />Co=tissioner Larrison, Mr. Johnson, the <br />May Or and Mr. Hunt. In particular, we <br />had Mayor Kernan and Mr. Hunt at our last <br />meeting to talk about the Airport 2010 <br />pro ect. No one in the area had been <br />notified of the project until it came out <br />in rhe newspaper - that was not <br />appmpriate. I felt it was inappropriate <br />the and I don't feel its appropriate <br />that between the meeting and now there's <br />been no additional input, no additional <br />information. We were told by the Mayor <br />and by Mr. Hunt that there would be <br />nei rhood representatives on whatever <br />they would be working on. I'm not asking <br />to make any decisions but I think all of <br />us I iere are asking to have input into <br />those decisions. The fact is that the <br />onl time we have that opportunity is in <br />an apen meeting like this. I don't think <br />that speaks very highly about the way the <br />p has been conducted to this <br />point. I would hope that would change <br />imtnEdiately. It's simply inappropriate <br />for a democratically elected govenm -ent. <br />I 't believe that it has gone on this <br />way <br />I ar i troubled by the notion of you saying <br />that you let market economies work. You <br />let the market take care of who gets paid <br />how much or how its developed or whatever <br />and that you only get involved when "it's <br />not happening ". The question I would <br />turn around and ask you is, "why isn't it <br />hanening here or why doesn't it happen <br />in the Studebaker Corridor." Presumably <br />you've owned or have pieces or options or <br />wha ever on most of the property in the <br />Studebaker Corridor. The development <br />hasn't happened there. You have to ask <br />-12- <br />