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South Bend evelapment Om nission <br />Regular Mee ing - September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUS S (Cont.) <br />a. conxinuea... <br />the question why hasn't it happened. If <br />you just buy out the people there without <br />giv them the option and first putting <br />in I he roads and five years from now you <br />haven't gotten any development out there <br />and you put in the roads, then it's a <br />reasonable question to ask, "OK, why <br />don It you have development out there the <br />way you have it set up according to the <br />master plan. But for you to go in and <br />buy out ten parcels now seems to me to be <br />conixary to the market mechanism that <br />pres=tably we all endorse. So, as far as <br />a decision on whether you buy just enough <br />for internal roads or whether you buy <br />enoUgh to undertake the development or <br />1 to developers, it would seem to me <br />if ou readily believe markets are <br />eff cient, that you don't have a choice <br />and that your only choice and only option <br />is buy just enough for the roads and <br />if ou buy any more, you're doing <br />thing that's inappropriate for <br />gov entity at this point in the <br />dev orment out there. <br />'Ihe last awmnent I have is on providing <br />water and sewer and there are rules and <br />regiLlations when property gets annexed. <br />How soon does water and sewer have to be <br />p ided? From the sound of it those <br />rules have not been followed in this <br />particular area. I find that peculiar. <br />I also find peculiar when you look at the <br />map there you look at the purple or light <br />industrial north of Brick. Mr. Tarrison <br />and Mr. Johnson both said that there <br />wo d be no industry north of Brick. Mr. <br />Jchi Lson and the Mayor both said that <br />and water was already in out there <br />and there were no further expenditures <br />Mrs Kolata: That's not totally true. <br />Wab x and sewer lines are not shown on <br />particular drawing. Water and sewer <br />cms out Old Cleveland Road but stops <br />-13- <br />