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South Bend <br />Redevelcpykent Cm nission <br />Regular Meeting <br />- September 14, 1990 <br />6. NEW BUS <br />(Cont.) <br />a. continued... <br />Mrs <br />Kolata: I think we would be willing <br />to <br />talk to you about that. I don't think <br />we <br />can make a commitment one way or <br />another, <br />but it's something that we can <br />certainly <br />talk about. <br />Mrs <br />Pendl: Would the property owners <br />rece�ive <br />a registered letter when the <br />appraisers <br />are hired? <br />Mrs <br />Kolata: Normally what we do is send <br />you <br />a letter saying who has been hired. <br />Thep <br />the appraisers will contact you. We <br />ask <br />them to contact you directly to set <br />up <br />a time to come see your property. <br />We <br />can make sure our letters are sent <br />certified. <br />I'm not sure what the <br />appraisers <br />normally do. <br />Mr. <br />Pendl: I want each one of you that's <br />part <br />of this program to come out to my . <br />h <br />and walk the grounds with me to see <br />what <br />we actually have and what you're <br />taking <br />away to give to big business. I'm <br />not <br />against the big business, I would be <br />for <br />it if I could be part of it and get <br />what's <br />coming to me. <br />Mrs <br />Kolata: I'll be perfectly glad to <br />set <br />that up. <br />Mr. <br />Pendl: That includes Mayor Kernan <br />too <br />Mrs <br />Kolata: I'll extend the invitation. <br />Rid1iard <br />Bradford: I'm here because... I <br />don't <br />know why I'm here. I recently read <br />about <br />this in the paper and I thought I <br />ought <br />to make statements to go <br />record. <br />I don't know what I'm opposing, <br />for <br />or against. It is sad - very sad! <br />Ms. <br />Auburn: Are there any other <br />-11- <br />