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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - April 29, 1988 <br />6. NEW BUS$NESS (Cont.) <br />c. uontinuea... <br />Mr. Nimtz asked if there was any <br />objection to these items being entered <br />into the record. There were no <br />objections and the items were received <br />into the record. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that Resolution No. <br />842 approves the proposed lease between <br />the Redevelopment Commission and the <br />Redevelopment Authority which sets the <br />payment at $1,000,000 per year. Again, <br />this is the maximum payment which would <br />make sense to proceed with the <br />refinancing and the figure is expected to <br />be lower. <br />Mr. Nimtz asked if there was anyone who PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING TBE <br />desired to be heard concerning Resolution ACQUISITION BY LEASE /PURCHASE OF <br />No. 842. There was no one who wished to THE COVELESKI REGIONAL STADIUM <br />be heard. Mr. Nimtz closed the Public <br />Hearing for whatever action the <br />Co ssion desired to take. <br />d. Corm*i.ssion authorization requested for <br />exeqution of a lease on behalf of the <br />Cit of South Bend and regarding other <br />rel- ted matters. ( Stanley <br />Req onal Stadium) <br />Mrs Kolata explained that Resolution No. <br />842 authorizes the President, Vice <br />President and Secretary to execute and <br />deliver the lease in substantially the <br />form presented at this meeting with such <br />changes in form or substance as the <br />President or Vice President of this <br />Co ssion shall approve. It sets the <br />rental payments to be paid by the <br />Co ssion at a rate not to exceed <br />$1,000,000 per year in semi - annual <br />installments, it directs the Secretary to <br />transmit to the South Bend Common Council <br />a copy of this resolution and to file <br />with the Council an approving ordinance <br />for the purpose of the Council finding <br />tha the rental payments are fair and <br />rea onable. The President, Vice <br />Pre ident and Secretary are directed to <br />-5- <br />