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South Bend development Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - March 11, 1988 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. Contlinued... <br />Ms, Auburn asked that Ms. Baumgartner <br />give a report on the efficiency of the <br />new process when it has been in practice <br />for awhile. Mrs. Kolata indicated that <br />such a report would be given. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />the ommission approved the revised <br />guid lines for the Urban Homesteading <br />Prod am. <br />c. Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 834 expanding the <br />boundaries of the South Bend Central <br />DeveLopment Area, redeclaring the area as <br />e ded to be blighted, expanding the <br />all ation area for purposes of tax <br />incr ntal financing, amending the <br />Deve o ment Plan and rea proving the <br />Development Plan as amended. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the expanded <br />boundary is desired in order to have the <br />Cove eski Stadium entirely within the <br />rede elopment area. It is also necessary <br />to have all of the stadium within the <br />redevelopment area before proceeding with <br />the refinancing of the baseball stadium. <br />The property being added is a part of the <br />stadium which extends north of Monroe <br />Street and the parking lot which is <br />considered part of the stadium, totalling <br />1.9 cres. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the Land Use Plan <br />of the South Bend Central Development <br />Area Development Plan has also been <br />modified to tie it to the parking plan <br />listed in the Michigan Street Corridor <br />Plan and to include specific language for <br />stadium use. <br />If approved, this Resolution will go to <br />the Zxea Plan Commission and the Common <br />Council and come back to the Commission <br />for a public hearing and confirming <br />resolution. <br />-4- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE REVISED <br />GUIDELINES FOR THE URBAN <br />HOMESTEADING PROGRAM <br />