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South Bend <br />Regular Me, <br />6. NEW BU <br />a. Co: <br />NOT <br />elopment Commission <br />- March 11, 1988 <br />(font.) <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that this request is <br />another release of a grant mortgage lien <br />like the ones from the two previous <br />meetings where the client has met the <br />requirements of the agreement and <br />qualifies for the release. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, <br />the omission approved the Release of <br />Rehabilitation Grant Mortgage Lien for <br />Elizabeth Molnar of 2020 Prairie Ave. in <br />acc dance with the recommendation from <br />the pureau of Housing. <br />sion approval requested for revised <br />ines for the Urban Homesteading <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the federal <br />govemmnt has changed requirements for <br />the Homesteading Program and this <br />requires changes in our guidelines. They <br />have dropped the provision which gives <br />special priority to certain groups or <br />types of individuals. That has been <br />dropDed in favor of giving priority to <br />applicants whose annual gross family <br />income does not exceed 800 of the median <br />incane of this area. Other changes are <br />locaL changes that relate to the method <br />of processing the applications. Instead <br />of determining the financial <br />qualifications of all applicants, the <br />drawing will establish priority numbers <br />and credit checks and financial analyses <br />will be done on only enough to award all <br />the homs. This should cut down on the <br />staff time expended in the Homestead <br />Mr. liasecki suggested that there be more <br />adve ising for this program. Mrs. <br />Kola indicated that information will be <br />made available to the neighborhood groups <br />prio to the drawing. <br />-3- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE RELEASE <br />OF REHABILITATION GRANT MORTGAGE <br />LIEN FOR ELIZABETH MOLNAR IN <br />ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION <br />FROM THE BUREAU OF HOUSING <br />