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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - June 26, 1987 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (font.) <br />to the level of occupancy during a three day <br />period in the fall of 1986. Available <br />parking was classified into groups: free <br />parking with no time limit, free parking for <br />limited time, paid parking at hourly, daily, <br />or monthly rates, garage parking and customer <br />service parking. The charts he displayed <br />indicated parking availability and usage by <br />blocks The total supply in the primary area <br />is 4,635. Occupancy was 79 %. <br />The next step in the study was to determine <br />the ntriber of short and long term parking <br />spaces required for the primary and secondary <br />areas. Existing, vacant space was included <br />in the projection; and, three formulas were <br />used including: (1) the City's current code <br />requir ents; (2) An approach to Determining <br />Parkind Demand by the Chicago Chapter of the <br />American Society of Civil Engineers; and (3) <br />the Highway Research Board's Parking <br />Principles, to determine parking demand based <br />on square footage and /or the number of <br />employ es. The City's current parking code <br />requirEments were found to be canparable and <br />the local code was used to generate the <br />parkind demand figures contained in the <br />presentation. The demand figures have been <br />adjusted to account for the use of TRANSPO by <br />downt employees or customers. Additional <br />adjustirents can be made for shared parking, <br />daytime/nighttime usage, and multiple purpose <br />trips hy downtown employees. The only <br />quantitative measure for these factors is a <br />nine (9) percent figure for TRANSPO, i.e. <br />nine (9) percent of the people who work <br />downto4i take a bus. <br />The study included the Penneys building and <br />Roberts ns building and the Combined Capital <br />project as though they were in current use <br />because it is expected that they will be by <br />the tine a plan to improve parking is <br />impleme ted. <br />Considering all of these factors, the study <br />showed a current shortfall of 1,475 spaces in <br />the pr' ary area. To make up for this need, <br />people are parking long term in short term <br />parking spaces or in residential fringe <br />areas. <br />-13- <br />