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South Bend <br />Regular Meg <br />6. NEW BU; <br />d. a <br />7. <br />elopment Commission <br />— June 26, 1987 <br />(Cont.) <br />tinued... <br />is found in the area based on the <br />Fii1dings of Fact attached to Resolution <br />No 804 which was passed on April 23, <br />1987. <br />MrJ Nimtz opened the Public Hearing to <br />tho public for comments. No comments <br />we e received. <br />Mr. Nimtz concluded the Public Hearing <br />on Resolution No. 804 for whatever <br />action the Commission desires to take. <br />U n a motion by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />Ms Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Conmission adopted the Findings of Fact <br />and Resolution No. 804. <br />REPORTS <br />Mr. Hu t reported that the Colfax - Michigan <br />St. in ersection should be opened by the <br />first x4eek in July. <br />He also noted that the first section of the <br />riverbank improvements between LaSalle and <br />Colfax are complete. The contractor did an <br />outs ding job. The next area to be <br />addressed will be around Rink Riverside <br />Printi a. <br />Mr. Hurt noted that as part of an effort to <br />revise the old urban renewal plan, we have <br />canple ed a retail market and office market <br />analysis. The third key element to revising <br />that plan is an analysis of the parking needs <br />in the downtown area. He introduced Charles <br />Minkle , director of MACOG, to explain the <br />result of their study. <br />Mr. Minkler explained a map that outlined the <br />primary and secondary areas considered in the <br />study. The primary area is bounded by <br />LaSalle St., St. Joseph River, Western Avenue <br />and Lafayette St. The secondary area extends <br />to Madi on St., Taylor St., and Monroe St. <br />All exiLqting parking spaces within these <br />areas re counted and noted as <br />-12- <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED THE FINDINGS <br />OF FACT AND RESOLUTION NO. 804 <br />PROGRESS'REPORTS <br />PRESENTATION OF MACOG PARKING <br />STUDY <br />