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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - December 20, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUS$NESS (Cont.) <br />j. Continued... <br />Mr. Hunt explained that this contract in the <br />amoimt of $288,750 would,be broken out into <br />the following manner based upon the capital <br />improvement program and budget: $250,000 for <br />the facade rehab program in the downtown; <br />$25 000 set -aside for challenge match for <br />Cen er City Associates; and, the miscellaneous <br />amo t of approximately $13,000 will be used <br />for public works, soft costs, appraisals, <br />su eys, etc. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Co ssion approved a contract with Community <br />Development for South Bend Central Development <br />Area activity. <br />Mr. Hun read the following letter into the <br />record damending Loren Rooney for work <br />performed on the Tax Incremental Financing <br />Bond. <br />Mr. Jon R. Hunt, Executive Director <br />Departm nt of Economic Development <br />City of South Bend <br />227 Wesi Jefferson Boulevard <br />1200 Co my -City Building <br />South B nd, IN 46601 <br />Re: Letter of Commendation - Ms. Loren Rooney <br />Dear Jor#: <br />AlthougT there is little doubt the success of <br />the Cit 's $4,200,000 Tax Increment Revenue <br />Bond Issue is attributable to the collective <br />effort cf several individuals, the effort of <br />Ms. Loren Rooney in support of that success <br />clearly deserves special recognition. <br />During the several months process of <br />developing data and structuring this <br />financing, Loren consistently demonstrated a <br />degree cf professionalism in excess of both <br />her yea s of experience and her position. <br />Loren rightfully challenged the information <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT FOR SOUTH <br />BEND CEN'T'RAL DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA ACTIVITY <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />