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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - December 20, 1985 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont.) <br />supplied to her, personally researching and <br />reconciling problem areas. Her efforts <br />resulted in maior adiustments in valuation <br />data and abatement assumptions, allowing <br />significant improvements in the final <br />structuring of the bond program. Her <br />discern ent for what detail work was and was <br />not pro uctive, and her willingness to work <br />long ho rs when required, were important <br />element in meeting this issue's critical <br />timetab e. <br />Loren's outstanding performance and dedication <br />to the uccess of this project reflect great <br />credit pon herself and the City of South <br />Bend. <br />Sincere4y, <br />RichardIL. Treptow <br />Vice Pr sident <br />Mr. Hun stated that the above letter will be <br />placed n Ms. Rooney's personnel file. <br />Mr. Ni z commended Ms. Rooney and the entire <br />staff who worked on the bond issue. He noted <br />that David Frick, Barnes & Thornburg in <br />Indianapolis, was very complimentary of Ms. <br />Schwartz as to her expertise and knowledge in <br />the bond law area. <br />Ms..Sch artz and Rich Hill will be attending <br />the TIF bond closing on December 23rd in <br />Indianabolis. <br />Mr. Hunt noted that the Raintree Apartments <br />bond closing is scheduled for December 20th. <br />Ground will be broken in the Spring for the <br />project. <br />Demoli <br />City N <br />buildi <br />)n contracts have been awarded for <br />and the Standard Mechanical <br />. The start date for Standard <br />i1 is January lst and City News is <br />1st. <br />