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South Bi <br />Resched <br />6. NEW <br />g• <br />h. <br />i. <br />end <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />zled <br />Regular Meeting - December 20, 1985 <br />BUSINESS <br />( font . ) <br />continued... <br />Upom <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded b. <br />Mr. <br />Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission <br />approved Resolution No. 759 <br />authorizing <br />reimbursement to the City of Sou <br />Bend <br />for expenditures made within the Rum <br />Village <br />Industrial Park. <br />C <br />ssion approval requested for Addendum I. <br />to <br />a contract with Community Development for <br />Redevelopment <br />Administration Budget <br />5 -601). <br />Hunt explained that each year the <br />(CD <br />Mr. <br />Co <br />ssion contracts with Community <br />Development <br />for Block Grant funds for <br />Redevelopment <br />administration, both personnel <br />and <br />non - personnel, and also project monies. <br />This, <br />addendum expends the period of time to <br />spemd <br />these funds from December 31, 1985 to <br />February <br />28, 1986. <br />Upom <br />a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded b, <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission <br />approved Addendum II to a contrac- <br />witli <br />Community Development for Redevelopment <br />Administration <br />Budget (CD85 -601). <br />Co <br />ssion approval requested for a contract <br />with <br />Community Development for Redevelopment <br />Adndnistration <br />Budget (CD86 -601). <br />Hunt explained that this is the standard <br />Mr. <br />Community <br />Development contract in the amount <br />of S275,000 <br />for the general administration, <br />including <br />personnel and non - personnel items. <br />The <br />contract covers the period of January 1 <br />Dec <br />r 31, 1986. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded b, <br />Mr. <br />Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Co <br />ssion approved a contract with Con=it, <br />Development <br />for Redevelopment Administration <br />Budget <br />(CD86 -601). <br />Coftmiission <br />a rcval requested for a contract <br />with <br />Comunity Development for South Bend <br />Central <br />Development Area activity. <br />-7- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />RESOLUTION NO. 759 AUTHOR- <br />IZING REIMBURSEMENT TO <br />=h THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND FOR <br />EXPENDITURES MADE WITHIN <br />THE RUM VILLAGE INDUSTRIAL <br />PARK <br />C <br />7 COMMISSION APPROVED <br />ADDENDUM II TO A CONTRACT <br />WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />FOR REDEVELOPMENT ADMIN- <br />ISTRATION BUDGET (CD85 -601) <br />7 COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />7 DEVELOPMENT FOR REDEVELOP- <br />MENT ADMINISTRATION BUDGET <br />(CD86 -601) <br />