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South Bend 11edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - November 8, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUS$NESS (Cont.) <br />7. <br />b. Continued... <br />Mr. Hunt noted that no decision has been <br />reached on what to do with the church after it <br />is acquired but it could be sold for a project <br />that would fit into the staduim complex or for <br />a p olect associated with the staduim. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Co ssion approved Resolution No. 751 <br />red claring the South Bend Central Development <br />Area to be blighted and amending the <br />dev lopment plan. <br />c. Ccrmdssion approval r ested for bids and <br />loans in connection with the Rental Rehab Loan <br />Pr ram in accordance with the recommendation <br />from the Bureau of Housing. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />RESOLUTION NO. 751 REDE- <br />CLARING THE SOUTH BEND <br />CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />TO BE BLIGHTED AND AMENDING <br />THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />Contractor Bid <br />Johr Freidline John Freidline Construction $39,225.00 <br />410-412 N. Williams <br />Ma L. Green V.V. Engle Construction Co. $ 7,540.00 <br />102 N. Burns <br />Mr. Hunt explained that, unlike three previous <br />Rental Rehab applications, neither of these <br />applications include Community Development <br />funding. These applications are a combination <br />of Rental Rehab funds and private financing. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Condission. approved bids and loans in <br />connection with the Rental Rehab Loan Program. <br />a. L. Keen Building Bid Schedule <br />Mr. Hunt reported that the sale of the L. Keen <br />building was advertised on November 1 and <br />Nov Ember 8, 1985. Bids are to be received on <br />Dec Ember 2, 1985. In addition to the normal <br />adv rtisement, the staff ran an advertisement <br />in e South Bend Tribune which included a <br />pic ure of the building on November 3, 1985. <br />-5- <br />$20,000.00 <br />$ 4,000.00 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED BIDS <br />AND LOANS IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE RENTAL REHAB LOAN PROGRAM <br />AS LISTED ABOVE <br />REPORT ON L. KEEN BUILDING <br />BID SCHEDULE <br />