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South Bend pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />7. <br />i.. uoDip nueu.. . <br />Mrs. Kolata explained this was a minor <br />contract addendum expanding eligible cost <br />categories by adding the wording "construction <br />retainage payment ". This will allow coverage <br />of $1,000 retainage fee for a construction <br />Fn ract that was awarded under the Jobs Bill <br />ram. When the Jobs Bill monies were <br />o ed out, the retainage fee payback was <br />Upo a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Comnission approved Addendum I to a contract <br />wit-1 Community Development for Studebaker <br />Cor idor Development Activity (CD85 -609). <br />The Char recognized Mr. Ken Fedder <br />reures tina Colonial Caterers. <br />Mr. Fedder asked, on behalf of his client, <br />that Colonial Caterers be excused from any <br />further contract performance for the purchase <br />of the L. Keen building. Mr. Alfred Rubin had <br />previously expressed desire to develop the L. <br />Keen bu lding. Mr. Rubin had intended to <br />execute a contract for the development of the <br />building but, due to circumstances such as the <br />loss of the caterering contract with Century <br />Center, is unable to do so. A possible joint <br />venture was discussed but was unable to be <br />develo d within a reasonable amount of time. <br />Mr. Rubin asked that Mr. Fedder extend his <br />appreciation to the Commission for the <br />cooperation extended to him thus far. Mr. <br />Rubin has been ill for the past couple of <br />months, and the individual that Mr. Rubin had <br />hoped to operate this new facility is no <br />longer with Colonial Caterers. Mr. Fedder <br />asked that the Commission consider refunding <br />the $2,700 deposit to Colonial Caterers. Mr. <br />Rubin felt the continuation of the start of <br />the pro te ct for another few months would be a <br />dissery to the Commission. <br />Mrs. Ko ata clarified to the public that the <br />Commission did award the bid for the L. Keen <br />-16 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED ADDENDUM <br />I TO A CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT FOR STUDEBAKER <br />CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY <br />(CD85 -609) <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />