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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont.) <br />buildinj to Colonial Caterers in May of 1985. <br />The tit Le for the property has not been <br />transferred. It was in the executing of the <br />documen s that the staff realized there was a <br />problem. The documents had not been returned <br />by Colonial. It was upon following up on the <br />documents with Mr. Fedder that the staff was <br />informel that the bidder was unable to proceed <br />with the project and would ask to be released <br />from th it obligations. <br />The staff recommendation is to rescind the <br />award oE the bid to Colonial Caterers for the <br />L. Keen building and ask the other two bidders <br />if they would still be interested in the <br />project. <br />Ms. Aub= stated that it was regretful that <br />ColoniaL Caterers must withdraw their bid <br />because it was a good project. Ms. Auburn <br />further stated that it is the policy of the <br />ConTniss ' on that performance bids not be <br />returneo if a developer withdraws from a bid. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Don ho and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission rescinded award of the bid to <br />ColoniaL Caterers for the L. Keen building, <br />directe3 that the bid bond be forfeited, and <br />that the staff approach the other two bidders <br />to see if they are still interested in the <br />project. <br />Mr. Nimtz noted the regrets of the Commission <br />due to great anticipation about the Colonial <br />Caterer E;' project. The Commission is hopeful <br />that Mr. Rubin will appear again before the <br />Commission based on his good reputation within <br />the co unity. <br />Mrs. Ko ata further reported that Jon Hunt, F. <br />Jay Ni z, Richard Hill, Eugenia Schwartz and <br />some of ers from the City represented the <br />Redevelopment Commission in front of the Local <br />Propert Tax Control Board on September 27, <br />1985 co cerning the Tax Incremental Financing <br />Bond. The hearing went well and the Local <br />Propert Tax Control Board is going to make a <br />-17- <br />