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South BE <br />Reschedi: <br />6. NEw <br />9- <br />h. <br />i <br />!nd <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />sled <br />Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />Continued... <br />Diana L. Grounds 1712 S. Nash <br />Virginia A. Shikoski 918 N. Cleveland <br />Fannie M. Chambers 1125 Harvey <br />Ccmnission <br />authorization requested for an <br />Agreement <br />with Dr. John Harrington relating t. <br />pro:)erty <br />located in Block 6 of the South Bend <br />Central <br />Development Area. <br />Schwartz explained the Commission is bein, <br />Ms. <br />ask <br />d to authorize the President and Secretar <br />to <br />execute an agreement tying Dr. John <br />Harrington <br />into the Department of Housing and <br />Urban <br />Development and Redevelopment <br />re <br />irenents with respect to the development <br />of <br />roperty located in Block 6 of the South <br />Beni <br />Central Development Area. The property <br />in <br />question was sold by the Commission to the <br />Riv <br />r Bend Development Corporation in October <br />of <br />977. They sold it to a subsidiary of <br />Lowe's, <br />Inc., in September of 1981. Now Dr. <br />Harrington <br />wishes to acquire title to the <br />property <br />so that he can proceed with financin, <br />the <br />construction of his project. This <br />agr <br />ement would also take care of some <br />out <br />tanding requirements with respect to <br />Lo <br />'s and the River Bend Development <br />Co <br />ration which originally bought the <br />pro <br />rty from Redevelopment. This property <br />has <br />never been developed in terms of a <br />building. <br />It is vacant land that has been <br />landscaped <br />by Lowe's. Lowe's has never come <br />before <br />the Commission for a Certificate of <br />Co <br />letion which is required in order to <br />release <br />all of the HUD requirements still on <br />the <br />deed. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Comnission <br />authorized the President and <br />Sec <br />etary to enter into an Agreement with Dr. <br />Jo <br />Harrington relating to property located <br />in <br />Block 6 of the South Bend Central <br />Development <br />Area. <br />Ccmuission <br />approval requested for Addendum I <br />to <br />a contract with Community Development for <br />Studebaker <br />Corridor Development Activity <br />(CD <br />5 -609). <br />-15- <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE <br />PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO <br />ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH <br />JOHN HARRINGTON RELATING TO <br />PROPERTY LOCATED IN BLOCK 6 <br />OF THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />