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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSMSS (Cont.) <br />f. Continued... <br />Upo a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Comnission authorized the disposal of a <br />su lus vehicle at the Board of Public Works <br />auc ion according to public law. <br />g. Comnission approval of Homesteading Agreements <br />in accordance with the recommendation from the <br />Bureau of Housing. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that the Commission is <br />being asked to award and enter into agreements <br />witi Homesteaders for properties awarded on <br />Sep ember 24, 1985, which was officiated by <br />Mr. Combs. There are five Urban Homesteading <br />pro.Derties in accordance with the Federal <br />pr ram with a five year residency required <br />prior to obtaining title to the property. <br />There are also five Local Homesteading <br />pro rties that were acquired by Community <br />Dev lopment funds that require a three year <br />res deny prior to obtaining title to the <br />Mrs Kolata pointed out that one of the Local <br />Ho steading awards was made to Doris Brown <br />who is an employee of the City of South Bend, <br />Neighborhood Code Enforcement. Redevelopment <br />will seek a waiver from the Department of <br />Housing and Urban Development clarifying that <br />there is no conflict of interest. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Comaission approved Homesteading Agreements <br />for the following individuals, and authorized <br />the President and Secretary to execute any <br />nec ssary documents. <br />Name <br />Chester A. Baldwin <br />Rocco Simeri <br />Terri L. Tamandli <br />Revena D. Harmon <br />Barbara J. Griffin <br />Andre Shurn <br />Doris J. Brown <br />Address <br />1822 S. Brookfield <br />1209 Bruce Street <br />1317 N. College <br />3619 W. Ford <br />425 S. Warren <br />429 S. Carlisle <br />517 Kosciusko <br />-14- <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE <br />DISPOSAL OF A SURPLUS VEHICLE <br />AT THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />AUCTION ACCORDING TO PUBLIC <br />LAW <br />COMMISSION APPROVED HOMESTEAD- <br />ING AGREEMENTS INDIVIDUALS <br />LISTED AND AUTHORIZED THE <br />PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO <br />EXECUTE;'ANY NECESSARY DOCU- <br />MENTS <br />