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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSIINESS (Cont.) <br />e. Conitinued... <br />the Mill Race project would be of utmost <br />importance. Mr. Hutchcraft is an out of town <br />developer, but has pledged as much as possible <br />to involve the community with respect to <br />suppliers, local contractors, labor, etc., so <br />th the community will see a nice multiplier <br />eff ct out of his development. <br />Mrs. Schwartz entered into the record that <br />Mill Race Recreational Associates failed to <br />meet the basic bid specifications. <br />Specifically, Mill Race Recreational <br />Associates did not meet the minimum number of <br />residential units, the retention of the public <br />access easement, and the minimum purchase <br />price. The effect of their proposed dollar <br />for dollar decrease in purchase price for site <br />pr ation would have brought their price <br />bel w the minimum bid level. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by COMMISSION AWARDED THE BID <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the FOR PARCEL El -1 IN THE SOUTH <br />Commission awarded the bid for Parcel El -1 in BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />the South Bend Central Development Area to TO CLINTON E. HUTCHCRAFT ON <br />Clinton E. Hutchcraft on behalf of a BEHALF OF A PARTNERSHIP TO BE <br />pa ership to be formed under Indiana law. FORMED UNDER INDIANA LAW <br />Kolata thanked the Commission for the <br />they devoted to preparation of the <br />fications for the Mill Race project, <br />ng with the two proposed developers, and <br />ling to look at the other Hutchcraft <br />Chair also thanked the other Commissioners <br />traveling to visit other Hutchcraft sites. <br />f. Commission approval to dispose of surplus <br />le. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the Redevelopment <br />Commission owns a 1973 Ford van that has been <br />used by the River Bend Plaza Crew for the <br />downtown area. The van has not been running <br />for several years and its present value is <br />$50.00. The Commission is being asked to sell <br />the vehicle at a public auction being held by <br />the Board of Public Works on October 5, 1985. <br />-13- <br />