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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. cont -inuea .. . <br />be 3ensitive to height, lay out and material <br />of idjacent renovated structures; and, if a <br />pro sal includes any commercial space, its <br />spe ific location and use should be identifed. <br />The bidders were also instructed in the <br />specifications that the Commission will judge <br />any proposal based upon the following criteria <br />and reserves the right to reject any or all <br />bids. The criteria includes the amount of the <br />purchase price; the development plan's <br />conformance to the specifications; the <br />quwitity and quality of the residential units; <br />the developer's response to the design <br />considerations; the ability and past <br />per ormance of the bidder; and, the proposed <br />tim table for commencing and completing <br />Mrs Kolata added that, in terms of the two <br />bids received, the Commission has had a great <br />deal. of experience with the past performance <br />of the Mill Race Recreational Associates. <br />The have a proven track record. The <br />Comiission was not familiar with Clinton <br />Hut hcraft's past performance in other cities. <br />Ms. Schwartz noted that, since one of the <br />bidders was not known initially to the <br />ConmLission, she advised the Commission that <br />the investigate into the background, <br />crediability, financial capability, and <br />whe ewithal of Clinton Hutchcraft to determine <br />whe her or not he would meet the requirements. <br />Mr. Piasecki noted that the Commission and <br />staff inspected some of Mr. Hutchcraft's <br />apartment complexes and found the work done to <br />be cf top quality. The interiors were also <br />first quality. <br />Mr. Donoho stated that he found Mr. Hutchcraft <br />to he very qualified in that his projects were <br />of high quality. The apartments were very <br />well maintained. The grounds were immaculate <br />in comparison to some of the other <br />dev lopments around his apartments. Mr. <br />Don ho stated the upkeep of the grounds for <br />1 -12- <br />