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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. uonl -inuea .. . <br />Comnissioners and staff made site visits to <br />other existing apartment projects of Mr. <br />Hut hcraft's in Indianapolis and Lafayette. <br />Mrs Kolata noted the minimum specifications <br />for the sale of land. The minimum purchase <br />price was $300,000. The primary use of the <br />property must be for residential development. <br />The minimum number of residential units shall <br />be L50. Any residential building shall have a <br />minimum height of two stories above ground <br />level. The City of South Bend shall retain an <br />easement along the St. Joseph River, the <br />loc tion of which is indicated on the survey <br />of he property. Any development must make <br />full use of the site. If a development is to <br />be phased, a development plan and schedule <br />MIA be submitted for each phase. All <br />pro isions of the South Bend Central <br />Dev lopment Plan and East Bank Design <br />Guidelines should be met. <br />The Commission also included some other design <br />considerations that were put into the bid <br />specifications. They reflect the <br />Redevelopment Commission's planning and urban <br />design principals for the offered land. They <br />are not requirements of the bid <br />spe ifications. Proposals would be evaluated <br />by the Commission on a case -by -case basis as <br />to low these items were to be addressed. <br />The 3e items included that the total number of <br />residential units should not exceed 350 units; <br />that any commercial use on the property should <br />be Planned primarily for the service and <br />con enience of the residents of the <br />dev lopment and should not exceed 10% of the <br />total area of the improvements on the <br />pro ' rty; a seven story height maximum; that <br />the existing stone retaining wall along the <br />nor east boundary remain intact and if the <br />bid er wanted to alter or remove the wall they <br />mus provide the Commission with an <br />explanation of their plans; that structures be <br />set back at least 25 feet from the raceway; <br />that any development include landscaped open <br />spa es and that consideration be given to the <br />pub is open space of the East Race Park; <br />arc itectural design of the development should <br />-11- <br />