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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />C.. NEW BU <br />a. Co <br />elopment Commission <br />- September 13, 1985 <br />( font . ) <br />Mr. Neil Gilbert stated it seems as if much of <br />the skywalk and facade design work is yet to <br />be completed. He asked how the estimates were <br />done with so little of the design work <br />COMDleted. <br />Mr. Hunt stated it was based on staff meetings <br />wit Alan Ritchie and Cole Associates. There <br />is standard set of numbers per lineal foot <br />on a skywalk and whether heating, lights, air <br />conditioning are included will tell the <br />general costs. The estimates were determined <br />by the basic components of the steel, glass, <br />heating and air conditions systems. The costs <br />cou d be more or less 10 -12% of the estimate <br />de ndinq on how extensive a treatment is <br />e there were no further comments, Mr. <br />z noted that the public hearing was <br />luded. <br />Mr. Hill explained that the bond issue will be <br />subirLitted to the Indiana State Board of Tax <br />Comaissioners and the Local Property Tax <br />Control Board for their approval. The Local <br />Property Tax Control Board will be reviewing <br />the issue and making a recommendation to the <br />State Board of Tax Commissioners. The public <br />he ing completes the local approval process. <br />The bonds will then go up for sale on the <br />pub is market. <br />b. Commission approval r <br />No. 748, a resolution <br />Million Two Hundred T <br />($4,200,000) for ac <br />in the South Bend Cen <br />rel ted costs. <br />for Resolution <br />Four <br />on and redevelopment <br />Development Area and <br />Upo a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mriasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />cog ssion approved Resolution No. 748, a <br />-11- <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS <br />CONCLUDED <br />