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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - September 13, 1985 <br />6. NEW BU$INESS (Cont.) <br />a. uomLinuea... <br />a repayment for the work that was done. That <br />same mechanism or something else might be <br />used. Essentially it will be the equivalent <br />of a facade easement. Part of the requirement <br />would be that the owner would be leasing the <br />fa ade back with the intention of a payback, <br />bu during the period Redevelopment would hold <br />th easement Redevelopment would not want it <br />Mr Hunt stated that this is the facade <br />coilcept that we have right now, but it might <br />be modified. Center City Associates has a <br />committee involved with business and economic <br />development. One of this committee's tasks <br />will be to work with the staff to development <br />the facade program in more detail. <br />Redevelopment wants to work with the downtown <br />merchants in developing the program. <br />MrJ Nimtz stated that Historic Landmarks <br />Fo dation of Indiana has used this process in <br />th past. Any sale would be subject to the <br />. Allen asked if the we would be restoring <br />building to the original facade. <br />Mr. Hunt stated that it was the staff's <br />recommendation to Center City Associates and <br />th building owners to restore the facades to <br />th it original condition as much as possible. <br />TM staff feels that this would create a very <br />ni e physical environment and set off the <br />do town. <br />Mr. Rick Pitts stated that in some instances <br />it would be the intent to restore a building <br />to its original condition if it's on the <br />Multiple Resource District and is definitely <br />of historic nature. The overall staff <br />direction would be to uncover the original <br />design of the building whether historic or not <br />and not try to falsely create how it was <br />originally constructed. <br />"..Mill <br />