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South B Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - September 13, 1985 <br />6. NEW BIUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. dontinued... <br />C. <br />olution appropriating Four Million Two <br />dred Thousand Dollars ($4,200,000) for <br />uisition and redevelopment in the South <br />d Central Development Area and related <br />ts. <br />ission approval requested for bids and <br />s in connection with the Rental Rehab Loan <br />ram for property located at 606 W. Colfax <br />608 -610 W. Colfax in accordance with the <br />from the Bureau of Housing. <br />Hunt asked that this item be continued to <br />e next scheduled Commission meeting. The <br />ds were opened and one of the bids was <br />ightly higher than had been estimated. The <br />ner of the property needs to update some of <br />s financial information and bank commitment <br />the private financing. The package should <br />ready for the next Commission meeting. <br />Chair directed this item be continued to <br />next meeting. <br />d. CDmmission approval requested fora propos . <br />d loan in connection with the Affordable <br />an Program in accordance with the <br />commendation from the Bureau of Housing. <br />Contractor <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 748, A RESOLUTION APPRO- <br />PRIATING FOUR MILLION TWO <br />HUNDRED THOUSAND ($4,200,000) <br />FOR ACQUISITION AND REDEVELOP- <br />MENT IN THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA AND RELATED <br />COSTS <br />ITEM 6c CONTINUED TO THE <br />NEXT MEETING <br />Bid <br />F orence Smith V.V. Engle Construction $3,400.00 <br />1440 E. Bowman <br />. Hunt noted that this was just a proposal <br />d not a loan as originally indicated on the <br />enda. <br />. Richmond explained that this involves a <br />bid on a portion of the work that was <br />finished by the original contractor. There <br />re two bids received. The Bureau of <br />using's recommendation is to go with the <br />gher bid from V.V. Engle based on the <br />ility of V.V. Engle to start immediately on <br />e project. The original contract was Bockaj <br />nstruction who has discontinued business as <br />contractor. This was the last of the <br />-12- <br />