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Sec. 7 . 16. Review of Request for Increase in Basic Cable Rates. <br /> (a) Notice. A cable operator in the City who wishes to <br /> increase the rates for the basic service tier or associated <br /> equipment shall file a request with the Clerk of the Board of <br /> Public Works and notify all subscribers at least 30 days before <br /> the cable operator desires the increase to take effect . This <br /> notice may not be given more often than annually and not until at <br /> least one year after the determination of the initial basic cable <br /> rates . <br /> (b) Expedited determination and public hearing. <br /> (1) If the Board of Public Works is able to <br /> expeditiously determine that the cable operator' s rate increase <br /> request for basic cable service is within the FCC' s reasonable <br /> rate standard, as determined by the applicable price cap, the <br /> Board of Public Works shall : <br /> (A) hold a public hearing at which interested <br /> persons may express their views; and <br /> (B) act to approve the rate increase within 30 <br /> days from the date the cable operator filed its request with the <br /> City. <br /> (2) If the Board of Public Works takes no action within <br /> 30 days from the date the cable operator files its request with <br /> the City, the proposed rates will go into effect. <br /> (c) Extended review period. <br /> (1) If the Board of Public Works is unable to determine <br /> whether the rate increase is within the FCC' s reasonable rate <br /> standard based on the material before it, or if the cable <br /> operator submits a cost-of-service showing, the Board of Public <br /> Works shall, by adoption of a formal resolution, invoke the <br /> following additional periods of time, as applicable, to make a <br /> final determination: <br /> (A) 90 days if the Board of Public Works needs <br /> more time to ensure that the requested increase is within the <br /> FCC' s reasonable rate standard as determined by the applicable <br /> price cap; and <br /> (B) 150 days if the cable operator has submitted a <br /> cost-of-service showing seeking to justify a rate increase above <br /> the applicable price cap. <br /> (2) The proposed rate increase is tolled during the <br /> extended review period. <br /> (3) If the Board of Public Works has not made a <br /> decision within the 90 or 150 day period, the Board of Public <br /> Works shall issue a brief written order at the end of the period <br /> requesting the cable operator to keep accurate account of all <br /> amounts received by reason of the proposed rate increase and on <br /> whose behalf the amounts are paid. <br /> (d) Public hearing. During the extended review period and <br /> before taking action on the requested rate increase, the Board of <br /> Public Works shall hold at least one public hearing at which <br /> interested persons may express their views and record objections . <br />