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in the number of channels occurring between September 30, 1992, <br /> and the initial date of regulation. <br /> (3) If the initial basic cable rates exceed the <br /> benchmark, but the cable operator' s per channel rate was below <br /> the benchmark on September 30, 1992, the initial basic cable rate <br /> shall be the benchmark, adjusted for inflation. <br /> (h) Cost-of-service showings. If a cable operator does not <br /> wish to reduce the rates to the permitted level, the cable <br /> operator shall have the opportunity to submit a cost-of-service <br /> showing in an attempt to justify initial basic cable rates above <br /> the FCC' s reasonable rate standard. The Board of Public Works <br /> will review a cost-of-service submission pursuant to FCC <br /> standards for cost-of-service review and rules and regulations <br /> promulgated by the Board of Public Works . The Board of Public <br /> Works may approve initial basic cable rates above the benchmark <br /> if the cable operator makes the necessary showing; however, a <br /> cost-of-service determination resulting in rates below the <br /> benchmark or below the cable operator' s September 30, 1992, rates <br /> minus 10 percent, will prescribe the cable operator' s new rates . <br /> (i) Decision. <br /> (1) By formal resolution. After completion of its <br /> review of the cable operator' s initial basic rates, the Board of <br /> Public Works shall adopt its decision by formal resolution. The <br /> decision shall include one of the following: <br /> (A) If the initial basic rates are within the <br /> FCC' s reasonable rate standard or are justified by a cost-of- <br /> service analysis, the Board of Public Works shall approve the <br /> initial basic cable rates proposed by the cable operator; or <br /> (B) If the initial basic rates are not within the <br /> FCC' s reasonable rate standard and the cost-of-service analysis, <br /> if any, does not justify the initial basic rates, the Board of <br /> Public Works shall establish initial basic cable rates that are <br /> within the FCC' s reasonable rate standard or that are justified <br /> by a cost-of-service analysis . <br /> (2) Rollbacks and refunds. If the Board of Public <br /> Works determines that the initial basic cable rates as submitted <br /> exceed the reasonable rate standard or that the cable operator' s <br /> cost-of-service showing justifies lower rates, the Board of <br /> Public Works may order the rates reduced in accordance with <br /> Paragraph (g) or (h) above, as applicable. In addition, the <br /> Board of Public Works may order the cable operator to pay to <br /> subscribers, refunds of the excessive portion of the rates with <br /> interest (computed at applicable rates published by the Internal <br /> Revenue Service for tax refunds and additional tax payments) , <br /> retroactive to September 1, 1993 . The method for paying any <br /> refund and the interest rate will be in accordance with FCC <br /> regulations as directed in the Board of Public Works' decision <br /> resolution. <br /> (3) Statement of reasons for decision and public <br /> notice. If the initial basic rates are disapproved in whole or <br /> in part, or if there were objections made by other parties to the <br /> initial basic rates, the resolution must state the reasons for <br /> the decision and the Board of Public Works must give public <br /> notice of its decision. Public notice will be given by <br /> advertisement once in the official newspaper of the City. <br />