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provide the Clerk of the Board of Public Works with the <br /> objector' s name and address . <br /> (f) Delayed determination. If the Board of Public Works is <br /> unable to make a final determination concerning a requested rate <br /> increase within the extended time period, the cable operator may <br /> put the increase into effect, subject to subsequent refund if the <br /> Board of Public Works later issues a decision disapproving any <br /> portion of the increase. <br /> (g) Price cap analysis. If a cable operator presents its <br /> request for a rate increase as being in compliance with the FCC' s <br /> price cap, the Board of Public Works shall review the rate using <br /> the price cap analysis in accordance with the standard form <br /> authorized by the FCC. Based on the Board of Public Works' <br /> findings, the basic cable rates shall be established as follows : <br /> (1) If the proposed basic cable rate increase is within <br /> the price cap established by the FCC, the proposed rates shall <br /> become the new basic cable rates . <br /> (2) If the proposed basic cable rate increase exceeds <br /> the price cap established by the FCC, the Board of Public Works <br /> shall disapprove the proposed rate increase and order an increase <br /> that is in compliance with the price cap. <br /> (h) Cost-of-service showings. If a cable operator submits a <br /> cost-of-service showing in an attempt to justify a rate increase <br /> above the price cap, the Board of Public Works will review the <br /> submission pursuant to the FCC standards for cost-of-service <br /> review. The Board of Public Works may approve a rate increase <br /> above the price cap if the cable operator makes the necessary <br /> showing; however, a cost-of-service determination resulting in a <br /> rate below the price cap or below the cable operator' s then <br /> current rate will prescribe the cable operator' s new rate. <br /> (i) Decision. The Board of Public Works' decision <br /> concerning the requested rate increase shall be adopted by formal <br /> resolution. If a rate increase proposed by a cable operator is <br /> disapproved in whole or in part, or if objections were made by <br /> other parties to the proposed rate increase, the resolution must <br /> state the reasons for the decision. Objections may be made at <br /> the public hearing by a person requesting the Clerk of the Board <br /> of Public Works to record the objection or may be submitted in <br /> writing at anytime before the decision resolution is adopted. <br /> (j) Refunds. <br /> (1) The Board of Public works may order refunds of <br /> subscribers' rate payments with interest if: <br /> (A) the Board of Public Works was unable to make a <br /> decision within the extended time period as described in <br /> Paragraph (c) above; and <br /> (B) the cable operator implemented the rate <br /> increase at the end of the extended review period; and <br /> (C) the Board of Public Works determines that the <br /> rate increase as submitted exceeds the applicable price cap or <br /> that the cable operator failed to justify the rate increase by a <br /> cost-of-service showing, and the Board of Public Works <br /> disapproves any portion of the rate increase. <br />