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South E <br />Regular <br />a <br />h. <br />1. <br />j. <br />and <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />Me <br />ting - October 12, 1984 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />tinued... <br />Co <br />ColTmission <br />authorized the Executive Director <br />to <br />submit a request to the Board of Public <br />Works <br />to advertise for, accept and award bids <br />for <br />public improvements related to the One <br />Michiana <br />Square project. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for a proposal <br />for <br />rehabilitation of real estate located at <br />122 <br />S. Michigan. <br />Hunt explained that the Commission had <br />Mr. <br />previously <br />accepted a bid for the painting of <br />a mural <br />at 122 S. Michigan. The contractor <br />awarded <br />the bid is unable to proceed with the <br />work <br />this fall. The staff had received one <br />other <br />quote on the mural painting. It was the <br />staff <br />recommendation to receive more quotes, <br />and <br />therefore, asked the Commission to <br />continue <br />this item until the next regular <br />meeting <br />of the Commission. <br />There <br />was no objection so this item was <br />continued <br />to the next regular meeting of the <br />Comnission. <br />Comnission <br />approval requested fora proposal <br />for <br />rehabilitation of the L. Keen Building in <br />the <br />Monroe Sarrple Development Area. <br />Hunt noted that the staff is still in the <br />Mr. <br />process <br />of receiving quotes and asked that the <br />ComrLission <br />continue this item until the next <br />regular <br />meeting of the Commission. <br />There <br />was no objection so this item was <br />continued <br />to the next regular meeting of the <br />Commission. <br />Corpission <br />authorization requested for <br />Executive <br />Director to submit a request to the <br />Boa <br />d of Public Works to advertise for, accept <br />and <br />award bids for public improvements related <br />to <br />the parking garage project on Parcel 4 -42, <br />4-4.3 <br />and part of 4 -44 in the Central Downtown <br />Urban <br />Renewal Area, R -66. <br />a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Upom <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />-8- <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO SUBMIT <br />A REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF <br />PUBLIC WORKS FOR PUBLIC <br />IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE <br />ONE MICHIANA SQUARE PROTECT <br />ITEM CONTINUED TO THE NEXT <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />COMMISSION <br />ITEM CONTINUED TO THE NEXT <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />COMMISSION <br />